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Asia Pacific Conference 2024, November 30 – December 1, 2024 “Bridging Divides for Global Recovery”(10/12/2024)

The yearly conference organized by the RitsumeikanCenter for Asia Pacific Studies held at its Ohita Beppu campus gathered hundreds of participants from the region.  GPAG President Sukehiro Hasegawa delivered a keynote speech on “the role of youth in bridging the global divides for a more peaceful and secure world.” Dr. Hasegawa emphasized the theme by referring to the Pact for the Future adopted by the heads of state and government at the UN Summit of the Future, in which one of the five themes is on youth and future generations and concluded with a call to the youth to seize the opportunity and be ambitious in taking actions as exemplified by their recent pro-peaceactivities for Gaza and elsewhere. (10/12/2024)


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