Kyoto University of the Arts
Kyoto Peacebuilding Center (KPC)
Meeting of the Council
19 May 2022

Dr. Sakiko Yoshikawa
President of the Kyoto University of the Arts
Dr. Yoshikawa began the opening remarks by stating that she was honored to have Mr. Khare, Under-Secretary-General for Operational Support, as a special guest, and the members of the Centre's Board of Trustees considering the deep connection to the United Nations. She continued that former chairperson Shouchoku Tokuyama had founded Kyoto University of the Arts in order to contribute to peacebuilding through arts and culture, so it would be a memorable event for the university especially when peacebuilding is an urgent issue in the whole world. She concluded her address with her hope that the meeting would deepen the relationship and make it possible to create a new approach to peace.